Sunday, August 21, 2022

Essential Texas Department of Criminal Justice Volunteer Information


Essential Texas Department of Criminal Justice Volunteer Information


 A. All volunteers shall be required to present a valid picture identification card (e.g. driver’s license or similar photo identification) and have received proper clearance in order to enter or exit the facility (refer to Post Order-07.047).  Volunteers are required to complete the volunteer sign-in log (Appendices J-1 through J-3) for the program area in which they are participating and will wear a volunteer badge.  Volunteers will be searched for contraband prior to entering the facility. 

B. Volunteers will be required to seek prior approval from the unit volunteer authority to bring items such as supplies, equipment, study material, food items, etc. into the facility for their volunteer program/visit. 

C. Coordination and direct oversight of volunteer activities is provided by facility staff.  However, direct oversight does not necessarily imply that the volunteer’s assigned staff member shall be physically present while the volunteer activity is being performed (i.e., tutoring, teaching, leading support groups, mentoring, training, and performing other similar activities). 

D. A Volunteer Program Assessment/Suggestion Form (Appendix G) will be available to volunteers in order that they may have input into the TDCJ Volunteer Services’ goals and objectives.  These forms will be forwarded to each department/division administrative staff.  The VRC will convene to review suggestions and determine feasibility for implementation.  Suggestion forms will be maintained as administratively valuable. 


A. Approved Volunteers 

Individuals that have met the requirements stated in Section IV are approved volunteers.  Approved volunteers will make arrangements with the unit volunteer authority to schedule visits and activities. 

The forms will be submitted to Volunteer Services for record-keeping and tracking purposes.  A copy of the form shall be maintained on the facility.  The Special Volunteer Approval Form shall be maintained for two years.  


The following guidelines are provided for management of volunteers and volunteer activities.  All volunteers and facility staff shall adhere to these guidelines.  Volunteers are subject to sanctions for failure to abide by the guidelines. 

A. Volunteers shall be respectful of the needs and requirements of each department/division. Volunteer activities shall be consistent with sound correctional practices for security and orderly operations

B. Volunteers shall not form a non-professional, personal or emotional relationship with an offender(s).  

C. Volunteers (excluding employee and Victim Services volunteers) may correspond with an offender(s).  Correspondence shall not include any references that are sexual in nature; refer to criminal behavior or gang-related information; refer to or include contraband; refer to actions that are inappropriate such as soliciting money, or contain records or documents held by the TDCJ (those not listed in the TDCJ Public Information Act Manual). Volunteers shall not reference or include personal information when corresponding with offenders (e.g., personal photographs, personal relationships, personal finances, etc.) or provide legal and/or financial advice. 

D.  Such exchange shall terminate the volunteer approved status. The volunteer shall include the word “Volunteer” as part of the return address. Volunteers shall use a postal box address or the address of the organization, program, or church they represent as the return address. 

E. Volunteers shall not mail any items of correspondence for offenders. This includes, but is not limited to, correspondence between offenders, family members, victims, friends, or enemies. 

F. Volunteers shall not carry/pass messages from offender to offender; the offender’s family; their victims or their victim’s family in written or verbal form. This includes making or accepting personal calls for or from an offender’s family member(s). 

G. Volunteers may be spiritual advisors to offenders, visiting an offender on a one-on-one basis.  However, the visit must be arranged and approved in coordination with the facility chaplain and facility administrator. 

H. No volunteer shall contact the victim of an offender, including a family member who may be the victim.  The offender may state that he wants to reconcile with or make it up to the victim.  It is the responsibility of the TDCJ volunteer to notify volunteer staff if the offender has made such a request, but the volunteer is not to act upon the offender’s request. While it is understood that restoration, forgiveness, and reconciliation are important aspects of rehabilitation, the right of the victim will always take precedence over the desire of the offender.  The victim, if and when he or she chooses to come face  to face with his or her offender, can contact the Victim Services Division to arrange mediation. 

 I. Volunteers are required to acknowledge on their application if a family member, friend, victim, or enemy is assigned to a TDCJ facility.  Volunteers are responsible for reporting immediately to the unit volunteer authority when a family member, friend, victim or enemy becomes incarcerated after the volunteer begins their volunteer service. 

 J. Volunteers shall not be placed at a location where a relative, friend, victim, or enemy resides or is supervised.  Volunteers are responsible for reporting immediately to the appropriate authority when a relative, friend, victim or enemy is moved to the facility on which the volunteer serves.  The volunteer may be reassigned to another facility.  The unit volunteer authority may permit exceptions to this practice, but the exception shall be documented on the VS00. 

 K. Volunteers shall not enter a facility with any item considered to be contraband.  All items or materials the volunteer will be using during their program/service must be approved before entry into the facility. 

 L. Volunteers shall not remove any item from the facility without prior approval.  

 M. Access to telephone service on a facility will be limited to emergency use only, with the exception of CVCA making telephone calls to a family member of an offender when authorized. Any such calls pertaining to an offender’s family shall be made from within the facility. Volunteers shall be advised that calls made from the unit may be monitored by agency personnel. 

 N. Volunteers shall dress in a conservative and responsible manner that is appropriate for the volunteer assignment being performed and adhere to the grooming standards established herein.  Regardless of the volunteer assignment, any attire which is of extreme design, revealing in nature and conveys messages of a derogatory or offensive nature through language, logos, or symbols is prohibited. This includes signs or symbols of apparent membership in a STG/gang as evidenced by tattoos or other signs or symbols of membership.  Any extreme haircuts, styles or colors are also prohibited.  Items that will not be allowed are: jewelry items worn on the facial areas (e.g., earrings/studs in nose, tongue, lips, or eyebrow); any attire (to include slits in skirts) shorter than three inches above the middle of the knee while standing; sweat suits and wind suits unless they are appropriate for the activity being conducted; any attire that exposes midriff or shoulders; halter tops or tank tops; slacks and pants worn below the waist; any attire that is considered to be see-through, low-cut (in front or back) or tight-fitting; white shirt and white pants/skirts worn together ; and open-toed shoes worn without socks or hose. The agency may take into consideration the type of activity being offered by the volunteers before ruling on whether or not grooming standards or attire is appropriate. 

 O. In accordance with the TDCJ Risk Management policy (RM-25), volunteers will abide by agency safety guidelines and immediately report an injury to the assigned staff member.  

 P. Volunteers shall not be permitted to perform any activity involving the actual receipt or handling of money (either cash or readily negotiable documents such as checks, money orders, state warrants, etc.) while performing volunteer/intern services for the TDCJ. 

 Q. Volunteers shall not accept any personal gifts from offenders or give personal gifts to offenders.  [Exception:  See Mentoring Plan] 

 R. Volunteers, or their family members, shall not place money in an offender’s Trust Fund Account.  [Exception: Family member or individual with whom a relationship was established prior to incarceration and declared to the unit volunteer authority or Volunteer Services.] 

 S. Volunteers may not visit an offender in regular unit visitation.  [Exception: Family member or individual with whom a relationship was established prior to incarceration and declared to the unit volunteer authority or Volunteer Services.] 

 T. Volunteers shall not allow a releasee to reside at their personal place of residence.  [Exception: Family member or individual with whom a relationship was established prior to incarceration and declared to the unit volunteer authority or Volunteer Services.] 

 U. Volunteers shall not have releasees visit in their home [Exception:  Group meetings or events (i.e., Alcoholics Anonymous group meetings, religious study groups, religious fellowships, etc.)] 

V. Volunteers may transport releasees.  

W. Volunteers shall not, under any circumstances, supervise or manage offenders or other volunteers. Supervision of offenders and volunteers is a staff function.  However, CVCAs may coordinate and facilitate religious/substance abuse programming.   

X. Volunteers may use the TDCJ office space, supplies, and equipment. Administrators shall maintain control over such usage. 

Y. Volunteers will report complaints or concerns directly to the unit volunteer authority.  If the issue cannot be resolved at the facility, Volunteer Services must be contacted for coordination with the appropriate divisional authority.  Volunteers shall use the Volunteer Suggestion Form to provide information/make suggestions regarding the volunteer program. 

Z. Volunteers shall report immediately to the appropriate authority any information revealed by an offender to a volunteer that is criminal in nature or could impact public/facility safety. 

AA. The TDCJ has zero tolerance for sexual misconduct, as defined in PD-29 “Sexual Misconduct with Offenders”.  Volunteers are prohibited from establishing or continuing in personal relationships with offenders, including engaging in, or attempting to engage in, any form of consensual sexual misconduct with offenders or forcing or attempting to force offenders to participate in non-consensual sexual misconduct.  Volunteers who violate the policy shall not be allowed to continue to perform services for the agency.   

Acts of sexual misconduct include but are not limited to: 

i. Having sexual contact or sexual intercourse with an offender

ii. requiring or intentionally allowing an offender to engage in sexual contact, sexual intercourse or other sexual conduct for any reason (e.g., the sexual gratification of another employee or other individual

iii. masturbating in front of an offender; iv. making obscene or sexual advances, gestures or comments toward an offender or being receptive to any such advances, gestures or comments made by an offender toward another employee or other individual 

iv. touching of self in a sexually provocative way to solicit a response from an offender or while located in any area where offenders might be located (e.g., unit, an office when an offender cleaning crew is present);  

v. conducting any verbal communication of a sexual nature with or within potential hearing range of an offender;  

vi. providing written communication or photographic items of a sexual nature to an offender; or 

vii. influencing or making promises in exchange for sexual favors or because an offender refused to submit to a sexual advance. This includes putting money into or promising to put money into an offender’s trust fund or bringing in or promising to bring in contraband for an offender in exchange for sexual favors. 

It is a felony offense if anyone, including a volunteer, at a TDCJ facility violates the rights of a person in custody or engages in sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a person in custody. 

 Any volunteer who witnesses any such misconduct shall be required to report the misconduct immediately to one or more of the following:  facility administrator/warden; Records Management Office, Office of Inspector General – Investigations Division in Huntsville, TX; or the PREA Ombudsman Office in Huntsville, TX.   

A volunteer shall not be subject to harassment, retaliation, intimidation or coercion for reporting a personal employee-offender relationship or any incident of sexual misconduct. 

BB. Communication with the media by volunteers regarding any TDCJ business shall be approved by the TDCJ Public Information Office and coordinated with the unit volunteer authority prior to contact and dissemination of any information. 

CC. The TDCJ maintains a drug free workplace.  If a volunteer is required to take a prescription/non-prescription medication while on the facility, it must be taken into the facility in the original container.  If the medication causes side effects that may affect the volunteer’s service, a written statement that includes the name of the prescribed drug, the name of the prescribing physician and possible side effects must be submitted to the appropriate authority.

DD. Volunteers must notify Volunteer Services when there is a change in the volunteer’s name and/or contact information (i.e., address, phone number(s), etc.)   

EE. Volunteers must notify the unit volunteer authority or Volunteer Services within 48 hours if they have been arrested.  The volunteer will be placed on pending status in the VS00.   

FF. Volunteers shall not proselytize or induce someone to convert to one’s faith or recruit someone to join one’s party, institution, or cause while serving as a volunteer.  Volunteers shall not disparage the faith of any offender, nor deliberately seek to influence a change in any offender’s denomination. 

GG. Volunteers are allowed to bring in electronic musical devices to include PA systems and components, such as microphones and speakers, and portable music players needed for background music, laptop computers without broadband capability.  Other electronic devices allowed include amplifiers and instruments used with amplifiers.  Before laptop computers are allowed on the unit the volunteer will sign an affidavit (see Appendix M) stating that the laptop computer does not have broadband capabilities.  No cell phone devices or any variations of these types of units are allowed on the facility at any time.

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